
Friday, June 8, 2007


Author: rikich0n

There are certain personal information some people often lie about within their profile. The most often include: there height, weight, age and the type of work they do. You should always be mindful of what other say about themselves. For instance, they might over exaggerate their life experience, income, education, etc...

Even the pictures they provide can not be trusted. Many people use older photographs of themselves because they looked much better back then. Most crucial, be mindful that people lie about their relationship status. Married people have been known to state that they're single on their profile.

Most internet dating websites let you use an alias on your personal profile. Make sure you take full advantage of this. When you do begin to feel comfy with somebody and wish to share your electronic mail address with them, do not use your primary e-mail address. Sign up a free e-mail address that you use strictly for your internet dating activities. You could easily obtain one from yahoo, hotmail, gmail, and others.

Don't ever give out your work e-mail to anyone from an online dating website. Make sure you leave out your last name from outgoing messages on the options section. Nearly all of these free e-mail providers automatically put it in from your sign up form.

It's easy to get swept away and get excited about the possibility of a new romance. At the same time, the anonymous nature of online dating websites makes it just as (if not) more crucial than ever to protect your personal information.

Never share your full name or give out the details of exactly where you work, attend school. You could offer something like "I work at a large downtown law office." If they ask, "Which one?" Just politely tell them you would rather not tell until you get to know them a bit better. Most people will accept that and abide by your decision to not share. Don't ever give out your home address. Be very careful about giving out your telephone number. This is especially true with your cell phone.

It's better to just keep things on the lighter side for a bit while on you first contact with someone from an online dating website. Keeping things friendly and easy going will help you to get to know the other person a lot more than just dive into a relationship. Utilising an online dating service could help you find your ideal person for a relationship. By utilising it to its full potential you don't have to just "settle" for anyone.

Regrettably, in this world there are many people of questionable character. You're just as likely to meet someone who is up to no good at the local gym, night club, or even at work as you are at an online dating website. The only difference with online dating websites is the level of anonymity that is provided for you. It's a double edge sword. It helps to protect the innocent and allows those of questionable character to get away with a bit more. These pitfalls and dangers weren't meant to scare you from using online dating service.

Internet dating websites provide safe, fun, and exciting ways to meet people. Just keep these tips in mind and apply common sense. The majority of people with online dating websites are legitimately searching for somebody they can connect with, have fun with, and maybe even fall in love with. Maybe that special person they are searching for is you!


Author: Vittorio Norman

When I started meeting women from the internet I tried many, many different things. Some things were hardcore, other things worked inconsistently, and others surprisingly well. Eventually I came up with a simple system that could be used in almost every situation.
95% of the stuff I tested became obsolete, either because it was too complicated, or required too many steps along the way.

But out of the 5% that I kept, I gained some VERY interesting insights such as:

• How writing a personal ad with just the right amount of dramatic elements can attract women, but using too much drama can attract the wrong kind

• A very simple trick you can use to see which guys are the most successful with online dating, and the types of ads they use. This powerful secret will allow you to look at a guy's ad and know instantly how successful he is

• How you can use cold reads

• The type of generic first messages to send which don't seem generic

• The fundamental difference between and most other dating websites

• The usefulness of IM and how you can easily find out what a woman is about without wasting a second talking to her on the phone if she doesn't meet your standards

• How the "friends" angle can potentially get a flaky woman to seduce you, using a simple


Author: Vittorio Norman

I wrestled with this question many times in the past. What would happen is that I would reach a slump in the internet scene and then focus solely on bars and clubs, and when I reached a slump there I would go back to the internet. But in between all that I had success with both so I was forced to conclude that both work.

It's also more fun if you do both. You get together with a girl from the internet and you can talk about the fun you had the other night at the club. In both cases you are dealing with people.

There is a balance though. If you focus on either one too much you will burn out. So mix it up. What I've done sometimes is come home from the bar and logged on and chatted with girls who also came home from the bar - and in a few cases they were at the same one as me.

This is great social proof. You catch the attention of a someone online who saw you at the clubs. And what a great way for the introductions to happen and get the ball rolling.


author: Vittorio Norman

If you are a musician there is no need to play your instrument for her, to keep her interested. She saw you on stage, saw you perform, and if she likes you there is no need to do anything more.
If you are a writer of poetry and she likes your work, you don't have to recite poetry for her on the date to impress her.

Just be your normal self. The part of you that she likes is the part of you that does your own thing.

If you write a personal ad which is very witty and hooks her attention, there is no reason to try and be witty when talking to her in person. If she expects that from you then either you set the wrong precedent or she has the wrong idea about how things work.

You are not there to entertain her. I repeat, you are not there to entertain her. And if she leaves it's because you stopped entertaining (meaning you set the wrong precedent) or she had the wrong idea from the beginning.

Whatever you are, and whatever you put on "display" which shows your abilities, is not for her sake. Be great when doing your own thing, but act normal around her.


Author: Vittorio Norman

For internet dating, whether you call her or she calls you is not necessarily a big deal. And especially if you are starting out it may even be desirable to be the one to call the women and ask them out, simply as a way to build confidence. But as you get more advanced and look back at your successes you will find that better things are more likely to happen if the woman initiates the process. But how do you get that to happen?

The first item of importance is making a personal ad which communicates strongly who you are and what you are about. With this in place women will more likely initiate a conversation with you because YOU are interesting to HER. Not the other way around. You are simply selling and she is buying - which leads me to the second most important item.

She has to message you FIRST. This means she is now attempting to get the ball rolling in your direction. Typically, she will comment that she likes your profile and will invite you to chat further. At this point you will either give her your IM or your number. In the interest of efficiency it is best to give your number, especially if you get a lot of responses. But if IM works better for you and you suspect she may be a bit shy, then by all means chat a bit first online, and then give her your number. And when she calls let her ask you out.

Problems can occur when:

- she messages you first and you ask for her number, breaking congruency that she is pursuing you

- she calls you and you ask her out, breaking congruency that she is pursuing you

- she messages you and when you give her your number she immediately gives you hers and tells you to call her instead

In the first two cases the fault is yours. You simply jumped the gun and appeared to eager. This can kill attraction. Relax. Women can and do ask guys out.

In the last case, she is probably accustomed to men chasing her and may have control issues. Arguing won't help, and since she won't gracefully accept the dynamic as it stands your choices are to either ignore her and let her call you, or simply tell her you don't think you two are a match (this is necessary for the tougher cases). There is no downside to this and of benefit you avoided trouble early on.


Author: Vittorio Norman

Getting her to call you is most easily done when she messages you first, as you are just moving seamlessly to the next step. It is important to not waste time on extra steps if you can avoid it.

Let's say she sends you a message. This could be an Instant Message or an email. And let's say you chat a bit. Before drawing things out too long, simply say:

"Here's my number free to call me now"


"You can call me now if you want"

Chances are good that she will pick up the phone and call you within a few minutes. For this reason alone it is good to be online in the evenings after work or on the weekends, making it easy to do this. I have found that women tend to message more during these time periods anyway.

On the other hand, telling her:

"Here's my number free to call me later"

will result in a bigger risk of flaking since there is a break in continuity. This can be overcome by chatting longer on IM (which is a whole other discussion). But in the interest of making the best of a situation, and being as efficient as possible for her and you, the above is a good practice to keep in mind.

Once on the phone you talk for a few minutes and then set up a meeting, in the usual way.